074 342 0986 | COVID-19 Corona Virus South African Resource Portal www.sacoronavirus.co.za

Weight loss and weight management is not a piece of cake for everyone. There is no “one-diet-fits-all” solution and there are no quick fixes that stay. But there is light at the end of the tunnel because there are solutions for you in obtaining and maintaining your perfect body size. By taking the Weight – Management Package I can give you the tools you will need to transform yourself into the new confident you. I will guide you, motivate you and get you involved in achieving your goals. 




Initial Weight – Management Package: 

1 Initial consultation + 6 follow-up consultations + Meal plan. This package needs to be used within three months of the initial consultation. R2800.00


Follow-up Weight – Management Package:

6 Follow-up consultations. R1920.00

Prices valid for 2016 and subject to change

Book now either online or phone me on 074 342 0986.


NOTE: Consultations are covered by most Medical Aids. Patients are required to pay cash and claim from their Medical Aid.