1. Personal consultation
2. Couples consultation
3. Group consultation
4. Group presentations/ education sessions
5. Nutritional analysis of food intake
6. Recipe analysis
7. Vitality Nutrition Assessment (You can earn 5 000 points with the Vitality Nutrition assessment.)
8. DNA Analysis
The first consultation is 60-90 minutes (per person) and will include:
- I will establish exactly what it is you require dietary advice for (Individual objectives).
- Bring along any relevant information, e.g. a referral letter from your doctor (not compulsory), recent blood results, a food diary for the 3 days before your appointment – If possible
- I will explore your beliefs, attitudes and knowledge relating to food and nutrition
- Full History : medical, family, weight and dietary
- Weight, Height, BMI, Body fat %, Waist circumference, MUAC
- I will (where appropriate) advise you on weight goals and targets that are realistic and appropriate for you.
- Dietary assessment: Type and amount of foods eaten; Are all nutrients consumed; The main food sources of energy consumption; Meal patterns; Foods likes and dislikes; Cooking methods
- Individualised nutritional education appropriate to your condition and the impact of diet and nutrition. Also link other dietary and lifestyle risk factors and providing reasons for why certain foods are good / not ideal for you.
- I will assist in better understanding and providing advice on your condition and dietary intervention. Consideration on medication and supplements if any are taken.
- Setting of individual goals according to your likes, dislikes, cultural beliefs and lifestyle
- Discussions and motivations on behavior changes ( Assessing readiness and confidence in having a behavior change)
- Assessment of activity that will need to take place
- Weekly food diary analysis and correspondence
- Following this initial assessment and consultation: calculation of a comprehensive, individualised eating plan, a sample menu, shopping list, recipe ideas, and food preparation tips. This will be given to you within a week or two of seeing the me for the first time.
Follow up visits
Normally 30-40 min consultation depending on the need
- Follow-up visits with me are absolutely essential to help with compliance in the initial phases of following a new eating and lifestyle plan (Monitoring and support will be provided – Assess how you are coping with the recommended dietary and behavior changes)
- Asses weather individual goals have been met, identify barriers to change.
- Ensure that the dietary advice given is actually working for you, and if not, new dietary information will be provided at every visit so that your overall understanding and knowledge of nutrition grows exponentially – Behavior change techniques to help you achieve your goals.
- Setting of individual goals
- Weekly food diary analysis and correspondence
Research has found that follow up appointments are essential in keeping individuals motivated and to assist them in finding solutions to barriers of compliance that ultimately contributes to their success.
Different programs will be running within a certain groups of people. For example: Weight loss groups over 12 weeks or Diabetic support systems over 6 – 12 weeks.
Vitality is Discovery’s science-based, personalised wellness programme that helps members become healthier by giving them tools and motivation to improve their health. A Vitality Nutrition Assessment is 30-40 minutes and allows you to earn 5000 vitality points. You’ll get a report with advice and recommendations to take home with you. This assessment costs R340, that is paid in cash after your session and can be fully claimed from Discovery Health.
PLEASE NOTE: The VNA is not a full dietary consultation, it is an assessment designed by Discovery as part of their Vitality Rewards Program. It is a way to earn Vitality points. The assessment gives you an overview of your current health status and some general guidelines. Discovery Vitality Assessments are fully reclaimable from the medical aid.
This is a brilliant tool to assist with exact preventative measures for diseases. It is a patient specific gene analysis determining what foods are needed and which foods to avoid. What diet is better suited and what type of training is more beneficial to the individual. It also assists in the patients having an improved lifestyle after knowing exactly what needs to be done regarding lifestyle and food.
There are four over all test that can be done: DNAHealth, DNASport, DNAOestrogen and DNADiet. Or one can focus more specifically on the various SNP’s.
Please note the DNA test is a sputum sample taken, so no eating or brunching your teeth an hour before the test (To make sure the test sample is sufficient).
I am a cash practice. Payment amount will be discussed with you before you come to the session. On payment directly to me, you will receive an invoice which may be submitted to your medical aid. They will reimburse you accordingly. Couples consultation with a partner is a slightly longer consult and individual costs will apply.
PLEASE NOTE: Currently at the practice their is no card facilities available. You either need to bring cash or pay via EFT. The first consultation is always cash.
Consultations are in my offices at the following practices:
1. San Ridge Medical Centre, San Ridge Shopping Centre, C/O Lever and New Road, Midrand, 1684
To make a booking please contact 074 342 0986
2. Medipark Medical Centre, 159 Panorama Road (C/O Knoet and Panorama road), Rooihuiskraal, 0157
To make a booking please contact 0743420986
3. HNC Honeydew, C/O Christiaan De Wet and Dolfyn street, Honeydew
To make a booking please contact 0118 801 5615
Due to the busy appointment books, please note all appointments that have not been cancelled within 24 hours of appointment time will be billed on your account. Please reschedule all appointments by telephone and not by email or SMS. Kindly contact us on 074 342 0986 or 072 444 9029, we will be happy to assist you.