Dairy Free Lemon no cheese Cheescake

Dairy-Free Lemon No-Cheese Cheesecake

SERVES: 8 – 10

Tanya Alberts Dietician and Associates

160g digestive biscuits, crushed
1 large egg white
15ml grated lemon zest
60ml cornflour
335ml rice milk
(available at health stores)
265ml (225g) sugar
12ml agar-agar powder
(available at health sores)
250ml coconut milk
5ml vanilla essence
15ml lemon juice
2 large eggs
2 large egg yolks
berry sauce or fresh berries, to decorate


1. Mix the biscuit crumbs, egg white and 5ml lemon zest. Press into a 22cm spring-form tin to cover the base.Bake in a preheated oven for 10 minutes.
2. Mix the cornflour into 100ml of the rice milk until smooth. Heat the remaining rice milk, sugar and agar-agar. Allow to simmer for two minutes. Remove from the heat and add the coconut milk and the vanilla. Add the cornflour mixture, return to a low heat and stir until the mixture thickens.
3. Remove from the heat and stir in the lemon juice and the remaining lemon zest. Set aside to cool almost completely.
4. Beat the eggs and the egg yolks together and stir into the cooled mixture. Pour into the prepared tin and bake in a preheated oven for 45 to 55 minutes until set. Cool, then refrigerate for at least four hours, or preferably overnight. Top with berry sauce or fresh berries.

About the author:

Tanya has been providing dietary guidance since 2009 as a registered dietician licensed in South Africa. Her goal is to help patients understand the connection between diet and diagnosis for improved nutritional well being.

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