New Year, New Goals, New Journey!

As we are moving into 2025, we all start to think about our New Year’s resolutions and our new health journeys that we want to take on during this year, today I want to help you to succeed with your goals for 2025. Setting effective goals is key to achieving success, especially with diet and health-related objectives. So, here are my tips to successful goal setting.

  1. Make your goals SMART

Specific: Instead of saying you want to eat healthy, make it more specific. “I need to include more fibre into my diet by incorporating fruits and vegetables”

Measurable:  Include ways to track your progress like saying you need to drink 8 glasses of water or include 2 fruits daily.

Achievable: Think of your current lifestyle and make sure the goal you have set is realistic and that you will be able to do it. Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day!

Relevant: Make sure your goals are in line with your overall health status.

Time:  Give yourself a time frame to help motivate you to put in the work.

  1. Break up your goals into smaller steps

When we look at the end goal it can seem overwhelming. Break it into steps. We can’t go from floor 1 to floor 2 without taking the necessary steps. Your health journey is just the same. We need to take small steps to get to the overall big results.

  1. Progress over perfection

Acknowledge every single one of your small wins. Every small improvement is worth celebrating, even if everything wasn’t done perfectly.

  1. Identify your WHY

Understand the reason behind your goals. Do you want to have more energy or better health after the big scare you got when you got your results back from the doctor? Make sure you have a reason as to why you want to achieve the goal you have set. Without a good why, you will not have the motivation to keep on pushing.


Make sure you are planning those new year resolutions and health goals with the correct steps in mind to help you to achieve success.


About the author:

Tanya has been providing dietary guidance since 2009 as a registered dietician licensed in South Africa. Her goal is to help patients understand the connection between diet and diagnosis for improved nutritional well being.

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