Confidence Costs Nothing


Confidence is such an underrated characteristic, has is ever crossed your mind that confidence costs nothing?

You don’t have to be richer, smarter or thinner to have confidence. Self-confidence is the belief that one has the internal resources, particularly the abilities, to achieve success.

Confidence has shown to improve interpersonal relationships, problem solving and brings about independent personalities. Confidence lies in many factors other than communication/the way we speak. Confidence is within us, how we value and see ourselves more often we find ourselves comparing who we are to others.

It is important to remind ourselves of our achievements and our own success instead of comparing to others. Confidence is who we surround ourselves with – the company we keep. It’s about being surrounded by a circle of people who are motivating and uplifting.

And lastly, confidence is in taking care of who we are – nourishing our bodies to allow us to feel more energized and healthier, getting in more physical activity and taking time out to destress.

Despite all the evidence around physical activity being beneficial in the prevention and treatment of most diseases, research shows that increase physical activity brings about higher levels of self-confidence.


Ilhan, A., & Bardakci, U. S. (2020). Analysis on the Self-Confidence of University Students According to Physical Activity Participation. African Educational Research Journal8(1), 111-114.

About the author:

Tanya has been providing dietary guidance since 2009 as a registered dietician licensed in South Africa. Her goal is to help patients understand the connection between diet and diagnosis for improved nutritional well being.

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